Smooth Sailing With Options


I’ve been doing this options thing a long time, and I’ve had my failures. But I’m a firm believer in the method and so I want to share a failure with you and how it ended up. Back in December 2020 I started selling puts on DIS. (Left…
Smooth Sailing With Options


(This blog is now obsolete, as VXX has been “delisted” by Barclays. However there are other inverse etns out there such as UVIX that would work with this method. -January 2021) Ok this goes against my normal preaching, (always selling,…
Smooth Sailing With Options


Now that IWM has three expirations per week, the question is, do we make more money by selling two or three day contracts twice a week or one, one week contract? Once again, in my endless pursuit of options trading excellence, I have spent…
Smooth Sailing With Options


When you sell an option on Friday for the next Friday, you're looking for seven days of time value in your premium. But when/where does the time value for the two days of the weekend go? Are they discounted by Monday or on Monday? Since I didn't…